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Rachel Franks

Sky Clock Astrology
Octavia Safire
Urbana, IL
I'm a person who cherishes freedom, authenticity and respect for natural law, which equates with anarchist philosophy, in the literal translation "without rulers." Anarchy is an idyllic ideology of self-sovereignty that seeks balance with nature, but globally we are moving away even further away from personal autonomy at an exponential speed, into a system of potentially irreversible loss and unimaginable suffering, as our perceptions are being corralled and our rights usurped, the natural-born born rights of all who have manifested on this exquisite planet.

My attention has always been drawn to the sky, and as an adolescent I heard a subtle sound, an audible vibration, coming from the sky, and knew it was the sound of the stars. From the age of learning to read, I have been fascinated with symbolism and occulted knowledge. At four years old, I wondered "why is information, wisdom, being hidden from us, and why do so few seem to notice or care?" I have always sensed that something is deeply not right in this world, and have since been attempting to put the pieces together of this grand and infinite, yet singular puzzle. Astrology has proven to be a form of communication for me with that Source energy that holds the answers to all of my questions. To be able to share this communication with others who are searching for answers is the greatest gift, and to be able to communicate with other who also understand this divine language is healing salve on an aching soul.

Let's talk about Saturn. Time is of the essence, and the time of the freedoms we have taken for granted as an aggregate is running out, lest we not wake up from our propaganda induced slumber and respond ferociously.
Thursday, August 25

8:30am MDT

7:30pm MDT

Friday, August 26

9:00am MDT

11:00am MDT

12:45pm MDT

2:00pm MDT

4:00pm MDT

8:00pm MDT

Saturday, August 27

9:00am MDT

11:00am MDT

2:00pm MDT

Sunday, August 28

9:00am MDT

11:00am MDT

2:00pm MDT

4:00pm MDT

6:00pm MDT

Monday, August 29

10:00am MDT